
In a RL problem, the goal is to learn the best action to take in a given state. Value-based methods, as opposed to policy gradient methods or model-based approaches, try to learn the value of states $V(S)$ of the Value of State-action pairs $Q(S, a)$.

Temporal Difference (TD) learning, refers to a method which learns the state-value function, based on the difference between estimates at different time steps. Temporal difference was a major breakthrough in the 1980s, because it allowed learning from incomplete reward trjaectories, therefore lowering sample complexity.

Today we take TD for granted as the precursor to the more famous Q-learning and Deep Q-learning. I want to briefly reconstruct the logical process that led to the various forms of TD.


General Policy Iteration is the framework for approaching the solution for Value-based RL. It consists of two steps:

  1. Policy evaluation; estimating better state-values or state-action values.
  2. Policy Improvement; choosing better actions in the given state with our current estimate.

MC, TD, TD(0), TD($\lambda$), SARSA, Q-learning are approaches related to policy evaluation.

Deriving TD from Monte-Carlo

If we do not have a model of the environment (i.e. no knowlege about state-transition distribution), the most naive way of learning State-action Values is by using Monte-Carlo Learning. This involves collecting rewards after the episode has terminated, and then averaging the rewards by the number of times the agent has visited that state. For each episode’s reward $G_t$ and learning rate $\alpha$, the update of $V(S_t)$ is done once each time an episode terminates:

\begin{align} V(S_t) = V(S_t) + \alpha [G_t - V(S_t)] \end{align}

The problem is that episodes may take a long time to terminate or never terminate.

The insight of TD Learning, is that the future value is

“not confirmed or disconfirmed all at once, but rather a step at a time” (Sutton, 1988).

Representing this intuition mathematically, the estimation error, $G_t - V(S_t)$, where $G_t$ are accumulated rewards starting from time step $t$ until termination following the policy, can be represented as a sum of differences on adjacent time steps from $t$ until $T$ termination.

\begin{align} V(S_t) &= V(S_t) + \alpha[\sum_{k=t}^T (R_{k+1} + \gamma V(S_{k+1}) - V(S_k))] \end{align}

The equivalence of Eq (2) to Eq (1) Monte-Carlo Learning, can be seen by expanding and cancelling out all the terms $V(S)$ terms, and accumulating the rewards into $G_t$. The update rule is, in effect, updating the current state by using the difference in the successive prediction values, hence the name Temporal-Difference learning.

Flavours of TD

In $TD(n)$, where $0 < n < T$, $n$ is how many time steps we consider for this update.

\begin{align} V(S_t) = V(S_t) + \alpha [\sum_{k=t}^{T=k+1+n} (R_{t+1} + \gamma V(S_{k+1}) - V(S_k))] \end{align}

$TD(0)$ update is performed based on a single time step

\begin{align} V(S_t) = V(S_t) + \alpha(R_{t+1} + \gamma V(S_{t+1}) - V(S_t)) \end{align}

In $TD(\lambda)$, where $0 < \lambda < 1$, $\lambda$ is a weighted mixture between $TD(0)$ and full monte-carlo learning, i.e. $TD(T)$.

\begin{align} V(S_t) = V(S_t) + \alpha (G_t ^{\lambda} - V(S_t)) \end{align}

where $G_t^{\lambda}$ is a geometric weighting function on the reward:

\begin{align} G_t^{\lambda}= (1-\lambda) \sum_{k=1}^{T-(t+1)} \lambda^{k-1} G_{t:t+k} + (1-\lambda) \lambda^{T-(t+1)}G_t \end{align}

This equation looks complicated but it’s just a decay on the reward at future time steps.

Analysis: Is TD “better” than MC?

  1. TD is a mathematical relaxation of Monte-carlo learning. Both will converge asymptotically to the correct predictions. I dont know if there is a mathematical proof that one is better than another, although TD typically should converge faster than MC methods on stochastic tasks, especially for episodes which take longer to terminate.

  2. TD can introduce bias because they rely on value estimates, if the value estimates are poor, inaccuracies in the value function are propagated through the updates. MC have unbiased estimates of the value function.

  3. TD has lower variance than MC because the updates are more frequent and based on smaller steps. Instead, MC updates can vary significantly, and can also be influenced by random events that happen throughout the entire episode.

Evolution of TD towards SARSA, Q-learning, Deep Q-learning

Other practical and theoretical considerations of value-based RL methods subsequently shaped TD towards SARSA, and Q-Learning.

SARSA is essentially $TD(0)$ (Equation 4), but with state-action values. Instead of $V(S)$, we are now trying to update $Q(S, A)$. Since we are trying to choose the best action, it is more direct to just learn state-action values instead of performing an additional step to find the desired action.

\begin{align} Q(S_t, A_t) = Q(S_t, A_t) + \alpha(R_{t+1} + \gamma Q(S_{t+1}, A_{t+1}) - Q(S_t, A_t)) \end{align}

Learning state-action values is almost the same as learning state values. Computationally it is a more direct approach for policy control, to learn state-action values as the state-action value already includes the expected reward of taking that action. However in terms of memory, the agent must store a much larger number of State \times Action, vs just storing States.

Q-learning is essentially SARSA but with an offline policy. It was invented because sometimes the agent follows an exploratory policy (for e.g., $\epsilon$ greedy), and therefore does not always take the best action. Therefore, the offline policy update says regardless of what action was taken in the behavior policy, anyway, compute the temporal difference error using the best action from the target policy, i.e., $\max_{A_{t+1}}Q(S_{t+1}, A_{t+1})$.

\begin{align} Q(S_t, A_t) = Q(S_t, A_t) + \alpha (R_{t+1} + \gamma \max_{A_{t+1}} Q(S_{t+1}, A_{t+1}) - Q(S_t, A_t)) \end{align}

Deep Q-learning is essentially Q-learning, but using function approximation and gradient descent instead of tabular methods to learn the Q-values.

Tabular methods are implemented by finding the values for a grid of $S \times A$ cells. The only way an agent can get a good state-value function, is to explore every action in every state, otherwise the state can never be updated. This limitation can be addressed with function approximation using Deep-Q networks, which allow the value function or policy to generalise across states, rather than updating each state individually.

Author Note: RL is a very vast and deep subject. This post was written in silent protest against online tutorials which just say here’s the formula, here’s a jupyter notebook. Let’s train a Deep Q-network.


RL University of Alberta
RL Textbook
Old Stanford Course notes