My primary advisor is Kevin Duh. Iā€™m also very lucky to work with Kokil Jaidka (National University of Singapore), Lambert Mathias (Facebook AI Integrity), and Jason Eisner (JHU).

Chieu Hai Leong (DSO National Labs), Steve Renals (University of Edinburgh) and briefly Jiang Jing taught me things before grad school.

In my previous life I learnt some Human Factors and Social psychology from Angela Tan and Bernice Khoo.

I owe much to Dr. How Khee Yin, Chua Kuan Seah, Sng Mui Tiang, and too much to Natalia Edzgveradze.

Iā€™m thankful to Mr Enrique Pacencia and Mr Viktor Varavin who taught me Chess most patiently when I was a child.

My blogging style is inspired by Jeremy Kun and my hero is Allyson Felix.